This week we’d like to share what we love to do for summer fun when we’re not sanding and shipping out mountains of iPhone cases. We Grovers are an active bunch and here are some of our favorite summer activities.
Strap on your boots and pack your water bottles because we love to hike! There are great trails out in the Oregon wilds. Our main spots are hiking out in the gorge-- up Angel’s Rest, and also Saddle Mountain. Ginger just climbed Dog Mountain!
But we also love any kind of hike involving swimming. Bagby hot springs is a favorite as is Punchbowl Falls in the gorge and Ken’s secret beaver swimming hole. We love to raft down the rivers, swim in the lakes, camp out at sites like Lost Lake and on the coast at Cape Lookout. We go crabbing on the beaches, surf in the ocean, and go sailing when we can.
In Portland we toil lovingly in our gardens raising vegetables, herbs, and fruits. We brew our own beer and enjoy the Oregon Brewers Festival in July. We eat a lot of late night summer snacks from the food carts and work it all off in yoga classes at Yoga Bhoga the Bhaktishop.
We ride bikes everywhere! Summer months here are the best for biking in the fresh air and sun. Machinist Scott participates in the World Naked Bike Ride. This year it convenes at the Portland Art Museum where the admission for the evening is $1 per piece of clothing!
Mike D. aka “the other Mike” aka Mike 2 says his favorite summertime pastime is chilling in his front yard in a kiddie pool and blasting his favorite jams (anything by Counting Crows).
Basically, whether we admit it or not we Grovers are hippies at heart and love to commune with nature in the summertime!
Written by Mike Schultz. He is an oil painter from Ithaca, New York. When he is not working for Grove, he’s painting and drawing to his heart’s content. You can see his work on his blog and his website.