Grove’s co-owners, Ken and Joe, are honored and excited to speak on the panel at the inaugural Portland Digital eXperience (PDX), a part of MusicFest Northwest (MFNW)! Ken and Joe will be participating along with Lindsay Jo Holmes of MapleXO, our collaboration partner on our iPhone SkateBacks. Discussion will be framed around the ins and outs of running tech-inspired small businesses in the creative oasis of the Portland Metro Area. Check out this panel “Technology as Inspiration” on Friday, September 7th at 2:15pm; PDX activities will be ongoing September 6th through 8th. Tickets and schedule are available online.
Portland Digital eXperience is a thrilling addition to Time-magazine-lauded MFNW, giving Portland’s many tech-focused start-ups (aka the Silicon Forest) an outlet for discussion, celebration, and exploration! PDX was planned and organized by Rick Turoczy, co-founder of P.I.E. (Portland Incubator Experiment) and creator of Silicon Florist. Friday’s “Technology as Inspiration” panel will be moderated by Garrett Stenson. Garrett currently works for Ziba as a business developer and all around “dot connector”, and previously founded db clay. Check out Garrett’s blog, Twitter feed, and Linkedin profile for more information on this mover and shaker.
Lookout South by Southwest (SXSW)! The Northwest is giving you a run for your money with MusicFestNW and its awesome new events, like PDX. Read more about Portland’s tech-savviness and “creative streak” on OregonLive and CNNMoney. And if you’re coming out for MFNW and PDX, be sure to stop by Friday’s panel with Ken, Joe, Lindsay, and Garrett to learn more about “Technology as Inspiration”!
Written by Mary Yajko. She is a Grove customer support rep and crazed blogger originally from upstate New York. She enjoys opened minds, uncontrollable fits of laughter, and large amounts of french fries with ketchup.