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Mac Rumors: the iPad Mini

Kim Pearson posted on Jul 11 2012

While some sources are weighing in on the specifications of the rumored iPad mini, others are rolling their eyes and declaring that the miniature tablet is make-believe. Cult of Mac acknowledged rumors that Apple will unveil the iPad mini this fall, and that the device will sport a non-Retina 1024×768 display.

Mac Rumors reported on photos found by Gotta Be Mobile of the alleged mini’s size specs.  

Gotta Be Mobile stated:

“What we’ve found, using a pixel count, is that the iPad Mini should be around 213.36mm tall and about 143.67mm wide. This is approximately two-thirds of the size of the new third-generation iPad. The new iPad is 185.67mm wide, 241.3mm tall, and 9.39mm thick.

“Google’s Nexus 7 tablet has a width of 120mm which means that the iPad Mini, if our calculations are close, might be around 23.67mm wider than the Nexus 7. The Nexus 7 tablet measures in at 198.5mm high which means that the iPad Mini may be a little taller than Google’s 7-inch tablet.”

Cult of Mac also posted a visual breakdown of the proposed screen size of the iPad mini compared with other tablets on the market. The graphic shows the iPad mini filling the gap between 7-inch tablets and the full-sized iPad.

Daring Fireball speculates that a large motivation for the release will be to offer a lower price point model for Apple devotees. Unlike other smaller tablets, Fireball writer John Gruber feels the iPad mini would go for a low price point between $200 and $300 instead, effectively creating a new niche for itself.

Gruber writes:  

“ introducing the iPad Mini with a non-retina display but a lower price, it would instantly establish which product is the “best” (iPad (3)) and which is the low-cost model (iPad Mini). In this way, I envision the iPad/iPad Mini relationship being very different from the iPod/iPod Mini one, where the two products were nearly evenly priced and you chose between storage capacity (iPod) and device size/weight (iPod Mini).”

Photo from Cult of Mac

In the meantime, The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) is sticking to its guns and barely covering the rumored mini tablet at all - except to say that it isn’t real. The TUAW crew seems to find the iPad mini issue quite humorous, writing, “Because fighting for the low-end market is totally something Apple does. Ever. *cough*.”

TUAW wraps up the issue:

“Until [its release] happens -- if it ever happens -- there is no way I will believe this product exists. And despite the fact that I don't really see any plausible economic reason for Apple to make one, I still kind of hope they do introduce something like an iPad mini just so the rumor blogs will finally shut up about it.”

Here at Grove, we’re on the fence about the mini, but (in the words of The Voice from a beloved baseball classic), “If you build it, they will come.”

What do you think? Is this new device destined for the market?

Written by Mary Yajko. She is a Grove customer support rep and crazed blogger originally from upstate New York. She enjoys opened minds, uncontrollable fits of laughter, and large amounts of french fries with ketchup.

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