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About "About Team Grove"!

Kim Pearson posted on Apr 13 2012
We finally updated our About page! OH BOY! We’ve been waiting for a spare moment (several moments actually) to properly introduce our team and tell the Grove Story. Our enthusiasm for this new page is hard to match; we were embarrassed at how long it’s gone without being updated. Now we’re showcasing each and every one of our team members - the whole shebang! 

The new About page is our co-founder Ken’s baby; he spearheaded the concept, and wrote the Story and bios with Schultzy. Yuji built the page in Django, and Max designed it to match the new, more organic look we’re striving towards with our whole website redesign. We wanted the About page to be easy to update and super fun to read and look at. The Grove Story is also an important feature of the page, because we are passionate about our company and take pride in what we do.

C’mon, everyone loves to look at pretty pictures and mouthwatering illustrations, and you know you want to read through each and every one of those truly informative bios... maybe even click on some of our team members’ personal websites. Grove bios are the new Pinterest. Eeeeeeeee!

Written by Mary Yajko. She is a Grove customer support rep and crazed blogger originally from upstate New York. She enjoys opened minds, uncontrollable fits of laughter, and large amounts of french fries with ketchup.

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