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"The Month From Health"

Kim Pearson posted on Mar 15 2012

Who’s ready for an onslaught of healthy living?  

Team Grove has declared March as “The Month From Health”, and we’re pulling out all the stops.  What started as one lad’s simple wish to eat better, has spiraled into a company wide, no holds barred, face full of HEALTH!  

“It’s all about breaking old habits, and replacing them with something positive,” said Ginger G, woodshopper extraordinaire.  “Hopefully it will change into a regular routine by the end of the month.”   

By checking in with each other daily, we are helping one another reach our own personal goals.

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Wholesome highlights include: a raw food cleanse, daily yoga classes, walking to work, nutritious breakfasts, morning chin ups, homegrown alfalfa sprouts, working out at the gym, organic apple cider vinegar drinks, evening jogs, Ken’s cilantro juice fast, and of course, bikes!  goGrove!

What healthy practice will you pick up this month?  Let us know!

Written by Mike Schultz. He is an oil painter from Ithaca, New York.  When he is not working for Grove, he’s painting and drawing to his heart’s content.  You can see his work on his blog and his website.

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