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Life at Grovemade: Part 1 (Photos by William Anthony)

Alex Boepple posted on Aug 03 2014

We recently had our friend, photographer William Anthony, pay a visit to Grovemade and snap some photographs of our team in its natural environment. He got some beautiful shots and shared them with us -- because he’s rad -- so, we can use them to help us continue to tell our story.


The photo above is a bird’s eye view of our Monday morning meeting, right before we tidy up and start our week. We value the ability to have a team-wide check-in every week, to keep us feeling cohesive at work. We talk about what we did that weekend, as well as what we’re planning on working on that week. Getting to know each other helps us feel like a family; we love hearing about Dashia’s son’s basketball tournaments, Sean’s love for every movie ever made, Galen’s addiction to ramen, and Ken’s strange obsession with power-washing his mother’s deck.



We are a pretty silly bunch. But, there’s nothing silly about taking out the trash! Right after our team meeting, we begin our timed, 5-minute weekly clean-up. We sweep, water the plants, clean each other’s computer screens, take out the garbage, and gather up the nerf balls and darts hidden under desks and in corners. The key sentiment is we do it together. No chore chart, just everyone working together. We like starting the week with a fresh studio and also the mental clean slate that comes along with getting your hands a little dirty with the team.

Then, it’s off to making things. Since we see them everyday, we forget our tools are truly beautiful objects, due both to their usefulness and to their precise shapes. And precise tools are necessary in our shop; so much hard work and concentration goes into perfecting each and every iPhone case going through our team’s hands, from milling to sanding to hand oiling.



Thank you for the photos, William! We love when our creative friends visit. And, it’s all the more exciting when we get to have some beautiful photographs to show for it! We’ll be sharing more of William’s photos periodically on our blog and Instagram.


Don’t forget to check out William Anthony’s work on his website, Tumblr, Instagram, and VSCO Grid!

Written by Mary Yajko. She is a copywriter and member of Team Grove originally from upstate New York. She enjoys opened minds, uncontrollable fits of laughter, and large amounts of french fries with ketchup.

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