“These guys can’t sit still,” writes Digital Trends about our team here at Grovemade. Earlier this winter, the popular technology news site wrote a profile on our company highlighting our spontaneity and innovation in product design. Watch the wonderful video they made to accompany the article, below:
The article focuses on our development of the Wood Smart Case for iPad Air and iPad Mini in one week, around the time of the iPad Mini 2 launch. We’re very grateful to have been featured on Digital Trends in an article that acknowledges the passion behind our crafting.
Digital trends writes, “Part of that seat-of-the-pants building process plays to their personalities. ‘Both me and Joe are more like spontaneous guys,’ Tomita says. ‘We’re good at just being thrown in there and just doing things on the fly. I’m used to doing project work for festivals and stuff. You only have like a week, you just have to make stuff up and go with it.’”
Descriptions of our workspace show off our penchant for hands-on development: “The detritus from this unconstrained creative process litters Grove’s office: whimsical laser cuttings of bears and gears, pennant lamps made from bamboo, a tiny ball-in-maze game made from laminated plywood.”
“Ultimately, the challenge suits them. ‘If we were just making belts or something, we would just design it once and it would be around for decades,’ Mansfield explains. ‘We have this opportunity – we’re forced to constantly innovate. It puts a lot of pressure on us, but I think in the end it’s a good pressure. It’s a good stress.’”
Read the full article and see more photos on Digital Trends!
Written by Mary Yajko. She is a copywriter and member of Team Grove originally from upstate New York. She enjoys opened minds, uncontrollable fits of laughter, and large amounts of french fries with ketchup.